My story is probably similar to so many people around the world. Upon completing college, I got a job working as a Business Systems Analyst which I loved but the job didn't really pay enough for me to pay my rent, student loans, groceries, and doing things that young 20 somethings want to do! Three jobs later I was making enough to do those things but I still couldn't. The credit card debt that I had accumulated over the last 3 years from trying to do normal things was holding me back.
So here I am at 24 in 2017 trying to figure out how to pay off $10,000 of credit card debt. I decided to use my income tax money and savings to address the problem. Yayyyyy! Fast forward two years later and I was finishing grad school and realized that I was now almost $20,000 in credit card debt and I still owed a little over $13,000 for my car (yep you read that right...I fell into the same trap as so many people around the world) but how? See my original issue wasn't an INCOME issue it was a SPENDING issue. Once I realized this, I started aggressively attacking my debt. Today I am down to $6,000 credit card debt and my car has been paid off but who knows maybe tomorrow I will win millions. My journey and countless books and articles has taught me how to not only budget my money but those around me as well. I have helped several people get on track to financial freedom. Hopefully, I can help you too! |
"You can't get out of debt, if you are digging at the same time"
Kalai Fuller, MBA